BackUp Tag for publisher Plugin for OpenX

admin Approval for backup tag
publisher page backup tag creation


This plugin will used to publisher can able to set the Backup tag for their individual zone .Backup tag mean if ad-network doesn’t  provide ads for some criteria that time publisher can able to set their own tag for his individual zone.

SKU: AO002. Category: . Tags: , .

Product Description

Back up tag mean “If your adnetwork not support ads for some countries or else some criteria then publisher can able to deliver their own ads in that zone instead of our adnetwork banners”. So publisher will not lost his single traffics.So publishers are more interested in your adNetwork.
This plugin will used to publisher can able to set the Backup tag for their individual zone.
Once publisher create their backup tag ,then that will wait for administrator to approve to deliver that in that zone.
Administrator having the Option for approve that tag and also if that tag contain some malware or else infected code admin can able to reject that code and able to send Reject reason for that action.
If Publisher change that backup tag code after approval that time also that backup tag once again need to wait for Administrator approval.


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